Orchard Park Community Primary School

A place where children are empowered to reach their full potential, with the highest possible aspirations and passion for learning. With values and respect, our children are confident to move from our nurturing environment to explore and succeed in the wider world.


Welcome to Bumblebees class! In Bumblebees, we make accelerated progress within learning and personal development as we prepare to make the exciting transition into Key Stage 2. Overarching aims for Bumblebees include the adjustment from phonics to spelling, a focus on independence, developing reasoning skills in maths and encouraging children to become fluent readers. We aim to create an ideal environment for education, safety, understanding and fun while incorporating opportunities for challenge across the curriculum.

High expectations are promoted across our broad range of curriculum subjects. We encourage independent learners who can uphold our school mission statement when working, whether individually or when collaborating with peers. Throughout the year, children’s learning is enriched by a range of experiences which include educational visits to Woburn Safari Park and Rockingham Castle, and immersive topic experiences such as Australia Day and Goldilocks Day. 

Bumblebees access a rich and varied curriculum organised under the following themes:

  • What a Wonderful World
  • Tale as Old as Time
  • Fire! Fire!
  • The Circle of Life
  • All Aboard!
  • Dungeons and Dragons
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Long Term Overview

 Bumblebees Long Term Overview.pdfDownload
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Knowledge Organisers

 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser A1 2024.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser Sp2 2024.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser A1 2023.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organsier Sp2 2023.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser Sp1 2023_docx.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser A2 2022.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser A1 2022.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser Su.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser Sp2.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Knowledge Organiser Sp1.pdfDownload
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Key Documents

 Bumblebees Calculation Policy.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Assessment Expectations.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees End of Year Goals.pdfDownload
 Bumblebees Common Words.pdfDownload
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