Orchard Park Community Primary School

A place where children are empowered to reach their full potential, with the highest possible aspirations and passion for learning. With values and respect, our children are confident to move from our nurturing environment to explore and succeed in the wider world.

Wrap Around Provision

Orchard Park Primary School are looking for a company to provide on-site wraparound care. We are a single form entry school just off the A14 in King's Hedges.
Until December we relied on wraparound care provided by a company working out of another school. This provision ended at the end of December, leaving several of our families without adequate wraparound care. There is currently no other provider of wraparound care in the immediate area who can provide what our parents need.
We have undertaken two parent surveys and identified 21 families who would be interested in before and after school provision, 7 days a week. The minimum number of places required at any session (before or after school) is 5, the maximum is 12.
We are able to provide a choice of space to accommodate a club, including access to storage and cooking facilities. Are criteria for selecting a provider are attached.  If you are interested in providing this service to our school and our community then please get in touch via head@orchardpark.cambs.sch.uk by Monday 3rd February to arrange a meeting.
We will be looking to make a final decision by Friday 7th February with a hopeful opening after February half term.