Mathematics is an essential, core pillar of human knowledge, which runs throughout life providing ways to view and make sense of the world around us. Daily Maths revolves around the 3 core approaches to embedding mathematical knowledge: Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. These areas are used in conjunction, to enable our learners to apply all areas of Maths effectively; being able to reason what they see in the world around them, solve any problem with determination, and are fluent in all approaches. At Orchard Park, we ensure that children are supported and nurtured through their mathematical learning journey, from acquiring and developing skills as a child, to using them as an adult at work and in the wider world.
Our Orchard Park team endeavours to develop each pupil, individually and personally, promoting confidence, enthusiasm and enjoyment for Mathematics. Children are encouraged to see Mathematics as part of their everyday life, building on their foundation and prior knowledge as they learn new skills to a very high standard, which are mirrored and fostered by all staff. As a result of this, children learn to appreciate the vital role and relevance of Mathematics in society; the contributions of Mathematics in the development of Science, Technology and communication with other cultures; resulting in a progressive and thriving civilisation.
Where any divisions or barriers may arise, we multiply our efforts to ensure that each child achieves their full potential. Through the addition of regular interventions for those children in need of accelerated learning, we diminish the difference for all those who need to consolidate and build upon existing knowledge, in order to progress further. All children have a highly positive experience in Mathematics and therefore reach their full potential.
Mathematics is undoubtedly a key strand of the primary school curriculum and beyond, and we aim to make every child aware of the necessity for the underpinning of these key skills taught, so as to communicate, reason and solve problems independently and collaboratively in everyday life.
From Nursery to Year 6 at Orchard Park, children will be taught the fundamental approaches and building blocks needed to form the basis and development of their mathematical understanding. In EYFS, children focus on the early numbers, understanding the oneness of one, and how each of these numbers can be represented, seen and used in everyday life, linked to their immediate environment. Upon this, children move throughout KS1 and KS2 building on their understanding of number and many other interwoven strands of Maths. Each child will become confident and fluent in all of these areas, showing their true and deep understanding through reasoning and problem solving.
Children will all have access to high quality resources and supportive materials in daily practice, as well as being given the mental tools, to become strong, confident and reflective mathematicians. At Orchard Park, our Maths has devoted fluency, reasoning and problem solving elements daily, to ensure that all pupils can underpin and have the opportunity to master each unit of learning within Mathematics. As well as this, every lesson begins with a 5 minute activity, either Fluent in Five or Rapid Reasoning, in order to continually develop and improve pupil’s mental arithmetic and reasoning skills in short bursts.
Children are expected to complete an explicit Mathematics homework every week, related to either the previous or current week’s learning objectives, in order to continue their progress and understanding within each area of Mathematics. Children also use online learning platforms to aid and advance their mental calculations and approaches to Mathematics, which students can access from in school and at home.
At the end of each unit in Mathematics from Years 1-6, children are assessed using end of unit tests and other teacher assessments, and these are also checked against end of year expectations at the front of each child’s Maths workbook. This encourages the children to take some ownership of their Mathematics development, giving them a direction for where to target, improve and move on from.
Also, teachers use ongoing daily assessments to inform planning, and at the end of every half term, they assess the development of each child for taught areas of Mathematics. Formal assessments are carried out at the end of each term, to support and inform Teacher assessments, and then leaders in the school work alongside class teachers to analyse areas for whole class development. In EYFS, teachers baseline the children for Maths at the beginning of the year, and use teacher assessments to track their progress throughout the year, recording judgements every half-term.
In Years 2-6, students are encouraged to practice their multiplication and division recall facts, through the use of Times Tables challenges, which promote a healthy, conscious attitude towards the recall and application of these facts. Pupils work to master each times table at age appropriate levels, progressing gradually onto the next after successfully recalling all facts in a swift time frame. These are celebrated by all as a whole school and children receive certificates to support praise.
At the end of their Mathematical journey at Orchard Park, children leave as confident mathematicians, able to apply their knowledge to all areas of the curriculum and the wider world. Children leave with the skills and knowledge of how to use Maths in everyday life, and apply their problem solving traits to approach unknown Mathematical concepts with confidence. Children are secure in their mental and written calculations, showing precision, accuracy and operate in a timely manner. Every member of our Orchard Park community, child and adult alike, fosters the need to underpin the essential Mathematics skills in order to live and thrive in higher education and beyond.
As a result of an excellent quality of education, pupil’s quality of work is very high in Mathematics, showing all 3 key strands of Mathematical fluency. Children can discuss any piece of work and their own learning when questioned, and have a good understanding of what their next steps in learning are. Children achieve highly in Maths at Orchard Park, in line and even above national averages, allowing children to pursue their interests and learning to their full potential.
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